I'm trying to cobble together all my family, friends, old classmates, and other associates that I communicate and share multiMedia and other ideas with. I'm calling this openIDea syndicNation, and am building it on free or openSource onlineSvcs inTheClouds. hyperLinkLists, filteredAggregatedSMS, filteredAggregatedRSS, microCode, users&Referrers .
This is all a work in progress. I'm not writing any code, it's to write itSelf. If you're interested in personalSocialProfessional multiMedia openCommunication acrossBranchingNetworks get in touch with me. I'm iRobt at most services.
General Purpose Sensemaking Systems and Information Colocation | Smart Data Collective When reference data, transactional data, and even u...
Definition of syndic: person chosen to represent and transact.... Read more at Dictionary.com Learn more word meanings at Dictionary.com ...
I was just surprised, just now, tonight to hear a small pack of coyote with something cornered just a few houses away here in Cabot, Arkansa...
... stillAnalyzing