The Anti-Viral Social Strategy: "Everywhere I turn lately I see businesses buying into the idea of creating viral content, usually videos, in hopes of hitting the social media lottery.� It’s a terrible idea, here’s why:"
Personally I think the value of viral content is more about what it's relationship to the 'infected' hosts implies. The goal is to define the relativity.
socialServices (BFG!) resistance and opposition to alteringCapitalization and creation of camelCase severely hampers my efforts at studying that.
General Purpose Sensemaking Systems and Information Colocation | Smart Data Collective When reference data, transactional data, and even u...
Definition of syndic: person chosen to represent and transact.... Read more at Learn more word meanings at ...
I was just surprised, just now, tonight to hear a small pack of coyote with something cornered just a few houses away here in Cabot, Arkansa...
... stillAnalyzing